Lavender Dutch Vera 1ltr Pot


Lavender, Vera is a classic variety with aromatic chunky, grey leaves and mauve flower spikes in summer. Also known as Dutch Lavender. Loved by bees and pollinators

  • Dutch lavender are bushy, rounded, evergreen shrubs to about 75cm with narrow, aromatic, grey-green leaves and short, dense spikes of small, scented, dark lavender blue flowers on fine, upright stems in summer
  • Foliage: Evergreen 
  • Position: Full sun. Aspect: South-facing or West-facing.
  • Soil:  Well-drained
  • Ultimate height: 0.5-1 metres. Ultimate spread: 0.1-0.5 metres. Time to ultimate height: 2-5 years

Supplied in a 1ltr pot

22 in stock
