Ericaceous Granular Plant Food


Westland Ericaceous Plant Food Granules are a tailored feed for Acid-Loving plants giving essential nutrition released slowly over 3 months, for ericaceous plants such as rhododendrons, azaleas, camellia and Blueberries.

It contains all the essential nutrients for acidic soils, including sulphur to improve soil PH. Excellent for Ericaceous plants, whether they are growing in pots, containers or the ground.

Simply work into the soil or compost at the end of March and June for healthy strong plants and flowers all season long.
Tailored Feed for Acid-Loving plants
A Great Source Nutrients
Excellent For Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellia and Blueberries.
Promotes Longer Lasting Blooms

900g jar

10 in stock
