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2kg Sharpe's Express First earlies

2kg Sharpe's Express First earlies

Regular price £5.95 GBP
Regular price £0.00 GBP Sale price £5.95 GBP
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Variety: Sharpes Express
A traditional variety, been around for over 100 years

Ideal for steaming, roasting, baking and chipping
White skinned pale yellow tinted flesh with a distinct flavour that lends its self well to baking and roasting. The long oval shape lends its self well to chipping with its dry tender flesh.

In order to yield the best results from your seed potatoes, it is recommended that you chit them before planting. This allows for the development of strong sprouts. It is not considered an essential step, it is highly recommended among experts especially for earlies. To chit potatoes, just place them, barely touching in a seed tray or a similar segmented tray with the rose end facing upwards. The rose is the end where the majority of the eyes occur on the potato. It is in the eyes, where the chits will form. Place the trays in a cool light area with temperatures averaging in and around 7°C. The aim of this chitting is to encourage the development of strong dark purple and green strong shoots. If the shoots are developing into long white thin string like shoots it may be a sign they are getting too much heat and not enough light.
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